
Trusted by over 100 Preschools & Childcare Centers
goodbye flu & odour
hello clean, fresh air.

With our specially formulated pharmaceutical-grade Tea Tree Oil.


Running nose?

Dust build-up on ceiling fans and out-reach air-conditioning, as well as poor ventilation can cause sinus and respiratory issues.

Rash & Mosquito bites

Protect your little ones from mosquitoes. Our specially formulated gel is designed to protect you from itchy bites!

Unpleasant odours

Moisture build-up can create the perfect environment for mold to grow indoors. Eliminate unwanted smelling odors from the source!

your cleaning solution

EMAGE AIR provides fast and effective, affordable cleaning services for your organization's needs.

Our Services
cleaning services
We provide National Environment Agency recognized certificates and cleaning reports
Learn More
tea tree oil
purification system
Whether it is for cars or classrooms, we have the right fit for you
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Bought 5 to place around my house. Awesome and worth it. House smells fresh even after cooking. Highly recommended

Nurul Atikah

This is a very gd product to put inside the car to keep away from the mosquito to bite your family Member

Huang Guo Liang

Was first introduced to this product around 3 years back. Great smell, which was calming and not overly strong. Highly recommended.

Aaron Lim

Had been purchasing for my car and house. Good product to have it.

June Wong

frequently answered questions

There are several ways to distribute eMage Air.
Place it in the air circulation of the room or area you wish to cover. It works best if there is good airflow over the gel, such as in front of an air conditioner or room fan.
It can also be placed in the air return of forced air systems.
We have standalone electric dispensers for rooms and smaller areas.

​We use only pharmaceutical-grade, 100% pure natural Australian tea tree oil. Study after study show that only the highest grade tea tree oil is effective in controlling microbes.
Over many years,eMage Airchemists have developed and refined a highly efficient method to deliver tea tree oil into indoor environmental air so that it penetrates every corner and every surface in the coverage area.

​Generally,eMage Airevaporating gel takes 30 to 45 days to completely evaporate.Variables that affect evaporation:TemperatureRelative humidityAir volume over the gelSize of the coverage areaTypes of furnishingseMage Airhas developed several methods to regulate the rate at which the gel evaporates.Use the proper amount ofeMage Airfor the area you wish to coverRegulate gel evaporation by adjusting the airflow over the gelIncrease or decrease fan speedOpen or close down air vents in the gel container.We advise customers to monitor the eMage Air dispensers until you learn how the gel works in your particular situation.Our experts can advise you how to get the most efficient coverage using the least amount of gel.

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